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Wagon turntable 7 ½" gauge - 1000mm diameter (coming soon - enquiries welcome )

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Product Details

There is currently a 12 week lead time on this item.

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Key Features


. Dimensions 1400mm x 1400mm x 100mm

. Weight Carrying Capacity 500kg

. Designed to be set into a concrete base.

. Fully adjustable for levelling .

. Turntable is compatible with US 1½ " scale steel rail.

. Foot operated indexing mechanism to guarantee alignment of rails.

. Locking mechanism incorporated into the design for safety.

. Drainage holes allow water to pass through without affecting mechanism.

. Turntable is supported by precision roller bearings.

. FSC certified oak decking planks.

. Gold Plated Engraved Data Plate with unique serial number.


Coming soon...

Your wagon will be sent to you in a robust wooden crate (capable of being lifted by a forklift or pallet truck) directly from the place of manufacture.

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